Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 33 Update

We had our 33 week doctor's appointment yesterday and were given a clean bill of health. Apparently Miss Priss can be quite shy, she kept her hands in front of her face during the entire ultrasound. That, or she is not a morning person. So it's still too early to tell whose nose she has. Will keep you updated as that develops.

Right now she weighs 4 pounds and is on schedule to weigh around 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Barrett would like to request a larger baby. He doesn't seem to understand that a larger baby equals a larger push present.

The doctor informed Barrett that he has to stop traveling at the 37th week. Which I was very excited about until I realized two things - 1) we have to put up with each other for 3 weeks straight and 2) I will have to cook for him for 3 weeks straight. At least he will be there to rub my back on demand - something he is getting very good at.

This week we are in Austin staying with Grandma and Grandpa C. So we are looking forward to a week of free meals, Dairy Queen Blizzards and generally being spoiled.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nursery photos

Here are some photos of the nursery - stage 1. We still need to hang stuff on the walls but this gives you an idea of the nursery. Barrett loves all of the pink!

Yes the Texas sign is staying - you have to start brainwashing them early!

You have to start them young if you hope to be voted "Best Dressed" in high school!

A sign that we hope comes true!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is my first time ever as a blogger. It's kind of intimidating! Really this is for Miss Priss - aka Riley - but since she is too young to blog (unborn actually) I will take over for her for the time being. As soon as I have cute nursery photos to post, I will. For now, this is what Riley and I look like right now.

Since this isn't just about me, I should give a shout out to the very proud father to be. We are hoping she gets his height and very long legs, but not his nose! As our doctor said, one Barbara Streisand is enough! We also hope she does not get my athletic ability, or lack thereof, or handwriting.