Saturday, April 9, 2011

Houston Rodeo

In March I experienced my first rodeo.  Well, kind of.  I did see lots of cows but no bull riding or barrel racing.  This post is for my country grandma - Mema. 

Mommy had ChaCha at my age, so Papa, it's time to get me a calf!  (Sidenote:  thank goodness Mommy had help when naming me.  I shudder to think of what I could have been named.)

Absolutely fascinated by the cows.  Said moo repeatedly the rest of the day.

Not going to lie, the petting zoo kind of freaked me out. 

On my first merry go round!  Go horsie go! 

Continuing thhe day of first, on my first "roller coaster."  Whee!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


When I am not busy blogging, I stay pretty busy playing.  Just a sampling of how I spend my playtime. 

Taking some tea with my dinner. 

Allowing Mr. Bear and Baby to play on my Mickey Mouse car.  Grando loves this toy.

Having a few cupcakes with my tea. 

Mommy, stop bothering me.  I am on the computer. 

Busy texting Blake aka Bubba. 

Showing off my curls and baby blues.  I know, it's not really playing but it's just so gosh darn cute that I had to include it.

Playing with Baby on the back porch. 

Gracie helping me move all of my toys to the back porch.  Mommy didn't fully appreciate my redecorating efforts. 

Monday, February 28, 2011


Yes, I  know it's March.  I am little late.  Enjoy the photos just the same.

About to meet Santa Claus for the first time.  The only person excited about this was Mama. 

Daddy, protect me from that strange old man!  Wait, he brings gifts...

Helping to trim the tree.  And more importantly, showing off one of my Christmas outfits.

Playing on one of my new toys and sporting the ever fashionable Dorothy Hamill haircut.  Mema, it's still not in style. 

Posing with Mema, Doo Doo and Bubba on Christmas Eve.  This was before the cops came.  One of us allegedly called the cops.  My money is on Bubba.  Is that a face you can trust???


We are both so studious.  Must get that from our fathers.

Cuddling with Mema, even though she is responsible for the matching pjs. 

Teaching Doo Doo how to work his iPad.  He is pretty good for an old guy.

There were so many presents!  When do we get to do this again???